'Plan, spend, save and invest in you
and your whānau'
The Whakahaere Pūtea wānanga is about you getting a chance to have a play with your numbers, and some positive vibes when it comes to being a thoughtful planner with your pūtea.
Pūtea is not about how much you make, although I advocate for figuring ways to make more because it can open so many doors to achieve your whainga (goals). It is largely to do with our habits and mindset about pūtea.
In this wānanga you will have the chance to dedicate a day towards looking at your personal finances, and create your individual spending plan for 2025.
Often, we are looking too close in at our money movements.
We look at our paycheck periods timeframes, or monthly, but what if we looked at our year?
What if we could pull our focus up and out ?
Then we can get that longer term view and therefore really get with what matters to us and set a forecast that can also help us monitor our progress
In this wānanga you will:
- Have time to think and plan your pūtea for 2025
- Look at your current numbers and use them to project forward
- Be surrounded with positive kōrero and tools on pūtea
- Learn how to create a cash flow budget for a whole years worth of income and expenses
- Create a more positive mindset towards your pūtea.
If this sounds like you and you are in Turanganui-a-Kiwa on
Saturday Nov 16th then invest in yourself and your whānau by taking this one day to uplevel your pūtea planning practice.
Investment: $50
Spaces available: 12
Morning tea will be provided.
Venue: A local venue to be confirmed.
Note: No personal income or expense numbers of yours need to be shared with the group, you can keep your numbers private and still work out your plan at the same time
About me:
-Currently training in business, investing and accounting.
- I love numbers and facilitating peoples learning
- I believe when we feel connection to our pūtea practice we create more opportunities for ourselves.
Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and any information given in this wānanga it is understood that you are applying it of your own volition.

You can
shift so
much in your money story by getting alongside your budget
My Story
My name is Ngapaki, and I was brought up under the auspieces of Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Raukawa and Te Atiawa in Paekākāriki. I come from parents who decended from great people, and who moved away from their respective ahi kā in order to find work in the urban drift of the 1970's.
I therefore, grew up with a very old school way of seeing money, and that's a sign of the times in the 1980's and 90's where the conversation around pūtea and how it worked were limited to kōrero like "Save for a rainy day" and "Don't spend your money save, save, save".
My father was an accountant for the Railways in Wellington, and I didnt much like his prodding of me to take it at high school to take accounting and economics. It was resistance and also uncertain at the time of how those subjects related to me. I barely saw any Māori studying those subjects.
I went towards history the arts and performance instead which I still hold as deep treasures, today.
In my twenties, as a graduated Actor and theatre maker, I became increasingly aware of how little I knew about pūtea. I had the mindset of an artist contractor, feeling lucky to have a job (for a start) and then just looking for ways to book out a week, a month, and plan out my year, 'expecting' to have 'Dry patches'. After all, that's what was the norm - that we will have 'dry patches' and we have to save for those in order to cover ourselves until 'the next contract'.
Now there is some logic to this, of course. We know that if we have weeks in our year where we are living without being paid we need to cover that somehow. However, what I noticed about this mindset, is that it promoted poverty of the mind when it came to pūtea planning and abundance.
My mission for myself and my whānau for the past five years has been to learn more about how money flows and works, and I am on that journey of retraining to add this skillset to my bow, while at the same time, utilising the wonderful tools of storytelling to facilitate that learning for people in fun, thoughtful and interactive ways.
This wānanga will be that. Fun, interactive and pragmatic. All the things I like to get out of a learning experience! And so I have designed it to fit all levels of pūtea knowledge. All you need is curiosity, to be open to learning, and faith that you can be that pūtea planner for yourself , and if you are a parent, for your whānau.