Pūtea Wellness
"Wāhine Māori as powerful nurturers of wealth"
Te wā a Hine
Nau mai kī Pūtea Wellness, another piece of my mahi that I am passionate about.
This is an exciting time for Wāhine Māori as we continue
to forge pathways. Our journey with pūtea with our wellness side by side for ourselves and our tamariki, mokopuna.
The time of nurturing vitality

He mihi ki Andy Crown photography
Blog coming soon
Next month the blog on different areas of pūtea wellness will begin, watch this space!
The aim of this mahi
Pūtea wellness is for Wāhine Māori that are seeking a space to create, share and inspire each other as we continue to navigate our relationship to all things pūtea. How we make it, how we grow it, how we pass it on.
Ngā akoranga, ngā rauemi
Offerrings and resources will be made available throughout the year.
Pūtea Wellness Retreat
29th Nov - 1st Dec 2024
For Māmā Māori who are wanting to create a better plan with their pūtea
As a māmā, I have been on my own journey with our pūtea. I have felt very alone at times on how to handle and grow it.
My father was a book keeper for the railways in the 70's and 80's and its from him that I 'heard about' money management, but never really gained the skillsets to manage money.
Fast forward through credit card debt, low income on artists wages, to becoming a mother after graduating from my Masters, I didn't have the confidence nor the know how on how pūtea worked. I just tried my best to be 'good with pūtea'. All along though I had struggled through because of two things...
- Not knowing the basics around pūtea
- Negative beliefs I had about myself and pūtea
In 2012, when our first tamāhine was born, I started a journey towards educating myself and along the way found my way to seeing myself as a learner who is developing her skillsets around pūtea, and more importantly, seeing myself as a positive force who can make or break the resource pool for my tamariki and husband.
It was a lonely journey though, and often I wanted to just be able to talk about pūtea at a level that wasn't just about budgeting, I wanted to kōrero with other likeminded Māori māmā about pūtea and what wellness looks like for them.
So I am running this retreat as a coach, to hold space for such conversations and skillsets to grow.
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